
Работы, на которые даются ссылки, показаны в сносках или именем, или именем и датой, или номером тома.


1. Барклай Barclay William. The Letter to the Romans, in The Daily Study Bible (St Andrew Press, 1955, revised editions, 1990).

2. Барретт Barret С. К. A. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, Black's New Testament Commentaries (Adam and Charles Black, 1957; second edition, 1962).

3. Барт Barth Karl. The Epistle to the Romans (1918; ET from the sixth edition, Oxford University Press, 1933).

4. Бенгель Bengel Johann Albrecht. Gnomon of the New Testament (17'42; ET, T. and T. Clark, 1866).

5. Брюс Bruce F. F. The Letter of Paul to the Romans, in The Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Inter–Varsity Press and Eerdmans, 1963; second edition, 1985).

6. Бруннер Brunner Emil. The Letter of Paul to the Romans — A Commentary (Lutterworth Press, 1959).

7. Кальвин Calvin John. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans (1540; Oliver and Boyd, 1961).

8. Челмерс Chalmers Thomas. Lectures on the Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans (Collins, in four volumes, 1837–42).

9. Златоуст Chrysostom John. Homilies on the Epistle to the Romans, delivered in Antioch с 387–397, in Schaff Philip, ed., A Select Library of the Nicene and Post–Nicene Fathers, vol. XI (1851; Eerdmans, 1975).

10. Крэнфилд Cranfield E. B. Charles. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans, in The International Critical Commentaries (T. and T. Clark; vol. II, 1979; with corrections, 1983).

11. Денни Denney James. St Paul's Epistle to the Romans, in The Expositor's Greek Testament, vol. II (Hodder and Stoughton, 1901; Eerdmans, 1970).

12. Додд Dodd С. Н. The Epistle of Paul to the Romans, in The Moff at New Testament Commentary (Hodder and Stoughton, 1932; eleventh edition, 1947).

13. Данн Dunn D. G. James. Romans, in The Word Biblical Commentary (Word Books, in two volumes, 1988).

14. Фитумайер Fitzmyer A Joseph. Romans, vol. 33 in The Anchor Bible (Double–day, 1992; Geoffrey Chapman, 1993).

15. Годет Godet F. L. Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans (1879–80; ET, T. and T. Clark, 1880–82; one–volume edition, Zondervan, 1969).

16. Гриффит Griffith W. H. Thomas. St Paul's Epistle to the Romans, A Devotional Commentary (Eerdmans, 1946).

17. Хэлдан Haldane Robert. Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans (1835–39; Sovereign Grace Book Club, in two volumes, 1957).

18. Ходж Hodge H. Charles. A Commentary on Romans, in The Geneva Series of Commentaries (1835; Banner of Truth Trust, 1972).

19. Кэземанн Kosemann Ernst. Commentary on Romans (1973; SCM and Eerdmans, 1980).

20. Лидцон Liddon H. P. Explanatory Analysis of St Paul's Epistle to the Romans (privately distributed, 1876; Longmans, Green, and Co., 1893).

21. Лайтфут Lightfoot J. B. Notes on the Epistles ofSt Paul, from unpublished commentaries (Macmillan, 1895; Baker, 1980).

22. Ллойд–Джонс Lloyd–Jones D. Martyn. Romans (The Banner of Truth Trust and Zondervan).

1. The Gospel of God (Romans 1) (1985).

2. The Righteous Judgment of God (Romans 2:1 — 3:20) (1989).

3. Atonement and Justification (Romans 3:21 — 4:25) (1970).

4. Assurance (Romans 5) (1971).

5. The New Man (Romans 6) (1972).

6. The Law: Its Function and Limits (Romans 7:1 — 8:4) (1973).

7. The Sons of God (Romans 8:5–17) (1974).

& The Final Perseverance of the Saints (Romans 8:17–39) (1975). 9. God's Sovereign Purpose (Romans 9) (1991).

23. Лютер Luther Martin. Lectures on Romans, in Luther's Works, vol. 25 (1515; ET, Concordia, 1972).

24. My Moo Douglas. Romans 1 — 8, in The Wycliffe Exegetical Commentary (Moody, vol. 1, 1991).

25. Моррис Morris Leon. The Epistle to the Romans (Eerdmans and Inter–Varsity Press, 1988).

26. Моул Moule H. C. G. The Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the Romans, in The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges (Cambridge University Press, 1884).

27. — The Epistle of St Paul to the Romans, in The Expositor's Bible

(Hodder Stoughton, second edition, 1894).

28. Мюррей Murrey John. The Epistle to the Romans, in The New International Commentary on the New Testament (Eerdmans, 1959–65; single–bound, two–volume edition, 1968).

29. Нейл Neill С Stephen. The Wrath and the Peace of God: Four Expositions of Romans 7—8 (CLS, 1943).

30. Найгрен Nygren Anders. Commentary on Romans (1944; ET, SCM and Fortress, 1949).

31. Сэнди и Хедлэм Sanday William and Headlam С Arthur. A Critical and Exegetical Commentary oh the Epistle to the Romans, in The International Critical Commentary (T. and T. Clark, 1895; fifth edition, 1902).

32. Воган Vaughan C. J. St Paul's Epistle to the Romans, (Macmillan, 1895; sixth edition, 1885).

33. Цислер Ziesler John. Paul's Letter to the Romans, in The Trinity Press International New Testament Commentaries (SCM and Trinity Press International, 1989).

Другие работы

34. Августин Augustine. Confessions (с. 397; new translation by Henry Chadwick, Oxford University Press, 1992).

35. Кэмпбелл Campbell S. William. Paul's Gospel in an Intercultural Context. Jew and Gentile in the Letter to the Romans (Peter Lang, 1991).

36. Крэнфилд Cranfield Charles. Some Observations on Romans 8:19–21 d, in Robert Banks, ed., Reconciliation and Hope (Eerdmans and Paternoster, 1974).

37. Куллманн Cullmann Oscar. Christ and Time. The Primitive Christian Conceptions of Time and History (1946; ET, 1951; third revised edition, SCM, 1962).

38. — The State in the New Testament (1956; ET, SCM, 1957).

39. Donfried P. Karl, ed. The Romans Debate (T. And T Clark, 1991).

40. Хэнсон Hanson A. T. The Wrath of the Lamb (SPCK, 1959).

41. Хенгель Hengel Martin. The Pre–Christian Paul, in collaboration with Roland Deines (SCM and Trinity Press International, 1991).

42. Хукер Hooker D. Morna. Adam in Romans 1, New Testament Studies, 1959–60.

43. Джереми Jeremias Joachim. The Central Message of the New Testament (1955; ET, SCM, 1966).

44. Иосиф Флавий Josephus Flavius. The Antiquities of the Jews, from Josephus: Complete Works (c. 93–94; Pickering and Inglis, 1981).

45. Кюнг Kiing Hans. Justification: The Doctrine of Karl Barth and a Catholic Reflection (1957; ET, Burnes and Oates, 1964).

46. Лютер Luther Martin. Preface to the Epistle of St Paul to the Romans (1546), in Luther's Works, ed. J. Pelikan and H. Lehmann, vol. 35 (Muhlenberg Press, 1960).

47. Метцгер Metzger Bruce. The Punctuation of Romans 9:5, in Barnabas Lindars and Stephen Smalley, eds., Christ and Spirit in the New Testament (Cambridge University Press, 1973).

48. — A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament (United

Bible Societies, 1975).

49. Моррис Morris Leon. The Apostolic Preaching of the Cross (Tyndale Press, 1955).

50. Райзаанен Raisanen Heikki. Paul and the Law (J. С. В. Mohr, 1983).

51. Робинсон Robinson A. T. John. Wrestling with Romans (SCM, 1979).

52. Сандерс Sanders E. P. Paul and Palestinian Judaism (SCM, 1977).

53. — Paul, the Law, and the Jewish People (Fortress, 1983; SCM,

1985). 54. — Paul (Oxford University Press, 1991).

55. Сайфрид Seifrid A. Mark. Justification by Faith. The Origin and Development of a Central Pauline Theme (E. And J. Brill, 1992).

56. Стендаль Stendahl Krister. Paul Among Jews and Other Essays (Fortress, 1976; SCM, 1977).

57. Томсон Thompson Michael. Clothed with Christ. The Example and Teaching of Jesus in Romans 12:1 — 15:13 (JSOT Press, Sheffield, 1991).

58. Веддерберн Wedderburn A. J. M. The Reasons for Romans (1988; T. and T. Clark, 1991).

59. Уэстерхолм Westerholm Stephen. Israel's Law and the Church's Faith (Eerdmans, 1988).

60. Райт Wright N. T. The Climax of the Covenant. Christ and the Law in Pauline Theology (T. and T. Clark, 1991).

61. Цислер ZieslerJohn. The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul, A Linguistic and Theological Inquiry (Cambridge University Press, 1972).


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